๐Ÿ“ŠSimplified Infographics

This section provides straightforward infographics and concise descriptions to explain key elements of BIM Exchange's vaults, tools, and protocol. Despite the advanced and technical nature of our services, we follow the principle that "if you canโ€™t explain it simply, you donโ€™t understand it well enough." These visuals make complex concepts accessible, ensuring a clear understanding of how our platform operates. The goal is to break down the sophisticated mechanisms of BIM Exchange into easy-to-digest pieces for all users.

Vault Yield Farming

At BIM Exchange, whatever you stakeโ€”whether it's a liquidity pool (LP) token or a single assetโ€”will earn you more of the same asset over time. For example, staking a LINK-WETH LP will gradually increase your share of the liquidity pool, rewarding you with additional LINK-WETH LP tokens. This boosts your overall pool share and future rewards, all while BIM Exchange handles the technical side, allowing you to relax and watch your earnings grow.

Vault Fee Structure


Our BIM ZAP tool streamlines the process of building deposit or withdrawal positions for Beefy vaults by automatically converting your assets. This saves you the hassle, time, and costs associated with acquiring the required assets and setting up liquidity positions manually.

The ZAP tool goes further by leveraging DEX aggregators like Kyberswap to perform initial swaps, allowing users to convert common tokens (e.g., WBTC, ETH), native tokens (e.g., MATIC, BNB), or stablecoins (e.g., USDC, USDT) into the required tokens for liquidity positions. This way, users can easily access top-tier returns without needing additional assets. The displayed ZAP quote includes the ZAP fee, which accumulates in a treasury and is later swapped to stablecoins before being sent to BIM's Treasury.

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